Tasmania SES Recovery page
The State Emergency Service (SES) is a division of the Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management. They are equipped to provide emergency response services for severe storms and floods, road crash rescue, and a range of other general rescue and community support roles through our volunteers.
Tasmania SES are also responsible for planning, emergency risk management and supporting recovery. For more information on recovering after an emergency, or specific hazard recovery information, visit the recovery page on the Tasmania SES website.
State Recovery Arrangements
The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC) is responsible for whole of government recovery planning, preparedness and coordination. The Deputy Secretary (Policy and Delivery) has been delegated statutory responsibilities as State Recovery Advisor under the Emergency Management Act 2006 (s.24A). This includes:
- ensuring recovery plans and arrangements are prepared and maintained, and
- advising government on recovery needs and issues.
Recovery Tasmania works on behalf of the State Recovery Advisor to:
- maintain state level recovery plans and arrangements;
- support the municipal and regional coordination of relief and recovery assistance during emergencies; and
- if required, lead the coordination and management of longer term recovery efforts through a Recovery Unit or Taskforce.
State Recovery Plan
Tasmania’s State Recovery Plan (Issue 4 December 2021) describes state level recovery arrangements to all stakeholders. The Plan provides a broad, scalable framework for recovery that can be tailored to the meet the needs of each emergency event and affected community.
Recovery Coordination Structures
Following significant emergencies, the government may decide to appoint a Recovery Coordinator and/or establish a Recovery Taskforce or Recovery Unit to coordinate longer term recovery activities. A Recovery Taskforce or Unit works collaboratively with communities and local governments through Affected Area Recovery Committees and across agencies to ensure government efforts are coordinated.
Recovery Partners Network
The Recovery Partners Network (RPN) brings together non-government and community organisations and Tasmanian Government agencies to build relationships for collaborative and coordinated recovery efforts during and after emergencies.
The RPN meet at an annual forum to share learnings from previous recovery efforts and understand what work is being done going forward in the Tasmanian disaster recovery space in order to improve outcomes for Tasmanian communities. The Recovery Partners Network (RPN) was formed in 2017. It is facilitated by the Office of Security and Emergency Management. If you are an organisation that works in disaster recovery, and would like to join the RPN, please contact recovery@dpac.tas.gov.au
Working Together in Recovery: a practical guide for the not-for-profit and public sectors
Collaboration is critical for successful recovery efforts. The Working Together in Recovery Guide provides a valuable resource for organisations involved in recovery.
Based on insights provided by people involved in the 2016 floods, this practical and simple guide provides advice for the not-for-profit and public sectors on how to enhance collaboration during the recovery phase of a disaster in Tasmania. Dr Steve Curnin, Director of the Disaster Resilience Research Group at the University of Tasmania developed the guide as part of a research project funded by the Tasmanian State Emergency Management Program.