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Severe Weather September 2024

Recovery supports

A severe weather event impacted all three regions of Tasmania between 26 August to 4 September 2024. This event brought high rainfalls and flooding, as well as significant wind damage across the state resulting in extended power and telecommunications outages. This event also included major flooding in the Derwent River catchment.

Natural disasters can be traumatic and overwhelming events that can affect everyone in the community, causing disruption and damage to businesses, farmers, properties, infrastructure and the environment.

If you have been affected by this event, the following information is specifically for you, to assist you and your community in getting back on your feet.

Grants Available:

If an individual has been impacted by the September 2024 floods and storms, they may be eligible for one or more of the Recovery and Restoration Grants.

Recovery and Restoration Grants provide assistance to meet needs in the medium to longer term for people who, because of an eligible natural disaster, are unable to reside in their principal place of residence and/or have incurred substantial property damage and/or substantial loss of personal household items essential for daily living.

Types of Recovery and Restoration Grants available:

  • Renters and homeowners who live in impacted areas may be eligible to receive one or both of the following:
    • Repair and Restoration Grant
    • Replacement of Household items Grant
  • Homeowners only who live in impacted areas may be eligible to receive:
    • Repair and Restoration Grant

Replacement of Household Items Grant: sential household items damaged or destroyed directly by an eligible natural disaster. Assistance of up to $7,490 (plus $1,250 per additional household member up to a maximum of $11,450) is available to cover eligible costs not recoverable through insurance. Eligibility for the grant is subject to an income/asset test.

To apply online, visit: Department of Premier and Cabinet - Community Grants (

For further information, call the Tasmanian Emergency Information Service on 1800 567 567 9am - 5pm.

This grant assists low-income households to re-establish a principal place of residence to a basic, minimum standard to allow it to be habitable following an eligible natural disaster. This grant is not designed to assist with returning the property to its full pre-disaster condition. Assistance of up to $11,450 is available to cover eligible costs not recoverable by insurance. Eligibility for the grant is subject to income and asset testing, noting that the applicant must be the owner of the residence.

To apply online, visit: Department of Premier and Cabinet - Community Grants (

For further information, call the Tasmanian Emergency Information Service on 1800 567 567 9am - 5pm.

Temporary Living Support Grants are available for individuals or households whose principal place of residence has been impacted by the August/September 2024 floods and storms.

This grant is to meet temporary living expenses beyond normal day to day expenses where the principal residence has been without power for 7 days or more, and/or is uninhabitable due to damage, and costs cannot be met from the applicant's own resources.

Grant funds of up to $2000 per household are available for each 7-day period, up to a maximum of $10,000 per household.

To apply online, visit: Department of Premier and Cabinet - Community Grants (

For further information, call the Tasmanian Emergency Information Service on 1800 567 567 9am - 5pm.

Emergency Grants available:

Emergency Assistance Grants are available to people in the Derwent Valley.

The purpose of the Emergency Assistance Grants is to assist people who have been directed or advised to evacuate from their residence, have been displaced or isolated by flooding, to obtain essential and appropriate shelter, clothing, food, transport and/or personal items.

Grant funds available are:

  • $250 per adult (over 18 years);
  • $125 per dependent child (under 18 years); and
  • a maximum of $1,000 for any one family.

To apply online, visit:

Department of Premier and Cabinet - Community Grants (

For further information, call the Tasmanian Emergency Information Service on 1800 567 567 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Emergency Food Grants are available for Tasmanian households that have not had power for 72 consecutive hours (3 consecutive days) or more.

The purpose of the Emergency Food Grants is to assist impacted households get:

  • Food/groceries
  • Meals
  • Food delivery services.

A one-off payment of $350 is available to impacted households (regardless of how many occupants).

Apply for the grant online at: Department of Premier and Cabinet - Community Grants (

For further information, call the Tasmania Emergency Information Service on 1800 567 567 from 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Emergency Food Grants are available to the following groups that have not had power for 72 consecutive hours (3 consecutive days) or more:

  • migrant seasonal workers living on farms in shared-housing arrangements and,
  • individuals in assisted living shared-house arrangements (disability residential settings)

A one-off payment of $150 is available to assist impacted individuals get:

  • Food/groceries
  • Meals
  • Food delivery services.

Apply for the grant online at: Department of Premier and Cabinet - Community Grants (

For further information, call the Tasmania Emergency Information Service on 1800 567 567 from 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Other support:

Premier Jeremy Rockliff and Nick Duigan, Minister for Parks and Environment, have announced the Tasmanian Government is waiving the landfill levy for the disposal of flood and storm waste.

This is a statewide waiver for residents across Tasmania.

Waste includes materials damaged or left on your property by the flood waters, or green waste material such as spoiled food and other organics.

Importantly residents do not need to take additional actions but should inform their landfill operator on arrival at a facility that they are disposing of waste generated by the severe weather event.

People are encouraged to check with their local councils more information.

The landfill waiver will be in place until 30 November 2024.

Compensation packages are available for customers who have experienced a lengthy power outage or multiple outages in a 12-month period. If you are eligible for a payment it will be sent to you automatically. You don't have to do anything. You will receive a cheque payment by mail made out to the name/s appearing on your power bill from your energy retailer. 

For more information, go to:

See also