Know your map icons
Please check the Know your map icons page for more information on map icon meanings.
What is a Warning?
- Warnings will be issued on TasALERT when an emergency may impact you and your community.
- The Warnings provide you with real time information on what is happening and what you should do.
- Remember, if you think you are at risk, do not wait for an official warning to act.
Australian Warning System (AWS)
Australia is implementing a nationally consistent warning system for emergencies like bushfire, flood, storm, and severe weather. This system is called the Australian Warning System (AWS).
Using a set of nationally consistent icons, the AWS warning levels are: Advice (Yellow), Watch and Act (Orange) and Emergency Warning (Red).
AWS delivers consistent warnings in an emergency across states/territories, no matter where you are in Australia, you will know what to do.
In Tasmania, the Australian Warning System currently applies to bushfires and floods. You will see the following icons used for bushfire and flood warnings:

What do the warning levels mean?

Advice (Yellow)
An incident has started. There is no immediate danger. Stay up to date in case the situation changes. (May also be used to advise that a threat has reduced).

Watch and Act (Orange)
There is a heightened level of threat. Conditions are changing and you need to start taking action now to protect you and your family.

Emergency Warning (Red)
An Emergency Warning is the highest level of warning. You may be in danger and need to take action immediately. Any delay now puts your life at risk.
For more information
For more information on the AWS, visit:
Other Warnings

Smoke Alert (Grey)
The reported location of smoke impacted communities. There may be smoke, ash and embers from the fire visible. There is no threat to communities, but continue to monitor conditions.

Severe Weather Warning
The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a Severe Weather Warning or a Severe Thunderstorm Warning, for heavy rainfall, damaging winds, damaging surf, hail, high tide or blizzards. You may be in danger and need to start taking action.

Shark sighting
Reported location of a shark sighting.

Other warning
A warning has been issued for a hazard. You may be in danger and need to start taking action.
Additional messages

Community update (Blue)
Specific information and updates for affected communities regarding a particular event or incident.